Books to Enjoy

Pantheon – Rome, Italy

Pantheon – Rome, Italy

I cannot believe I have carved out enough time to read, let alone time to write about the books that I have read! I guess this quest to simplify life amongst the chaos of work and family has really taken a hold of me. While traveling, I made it a point to take some time to read, and I am sure happy that I did! Some of my new habits have been inspired from some of my most recent non-fiction selections which I describe below.

Here’s a list of books I really enjoyed and some have left me seriously inspired…

Steve Jobs  – I really enjoyed this book, and I think it did a nice job of painting an honest picture of an interesting, complex and stubborn man.  The book did not seem sugar coated despite his success.  It’s a long read, but it will leave you impressed, amused, and mystified.

Bossypants By Tina Fey – I thought this read was captivating and hilarious.  It describes some of the background and struggles that surround this modern female superstar.  The Audible edition of this book is read by Tina Fey herself, making it an excellent choice for an audiobook.  It is basically standup comedy, which had me laughing on my walks to work. I highly recommend.

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead – I know what your thinking… but this book was very thought provoking.  I found some of the points to be outrageous, and others to be spot on.  It is definitely a nice book to start thinking about the work place.

Yes Please By Amy Poehler – This book was along the same lines as Tina Fey’s Bossypants. The audio book is read by Amy, and it is a personal view into her struggles to make it in comedy. One of my particular favorite sections of the book is where she describes her ideal birth plan.  As someone who is currently pregnant, I agree. Haha! You just have to listen in order to know what I’m talking about, but Amy is right on the money and had me laughing as I listened to her describe the chaos that is birth and becoming first time parents.

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less By Greg McKeown – This has got to be my favorite book of all. It was one of those books where you find yourself nodding your head in agreement when the author describes the chaos of life.  I would highly recommend to anyone who would like to take a step back, prioritize their life, and become effective leaders, family members, and employees.  The author also helps you to do simple tasks that we all struggle with, like cleaning our closets.  The clarity the author brings to why we struggle to get anything done is impressive. This book is an absolute winner.

Dad Is Fat By Jim Gaffigan – Another refreshing book that is awesome if you listen via Audible.  Jim Gaffigan is the voice behind the audio book, so the jokes and lines he includes are delivered perfectly.  He discusses his infatuation with food, life with 5 kids and a beautiful wife and so much more that will keep you cracking up.  He has another book out now which I will hopefully listen to in the near future!

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Here are a list of books I’m hoping to finish soon, I’ll update you with my recommendations after a few more weeks of walking to work – meaning, most of them are audiobooks and I haven’t finished listening!!

The Longest Ride By Nicholas Sparks – Just a nice little love story to step away from real life for a bit!

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business – This book is slightly embarrassing as it explains why we humans are creatures of habit!

My Story By Elizabeth Smart – I’m just hearing about her capture, and I’m not sure I can make it through the rest of the book. I am a bit of a worry wart, so this book seems like a bad idea if I want to sleep at night.


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What books have you been reading? Any inspiring reads that I should add to my list!? Please comment below if you have any book suggestions – I am always looking to expand my horizons with a good book!


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