
Obviously before Thanksgiving, but one of my favorite pictures of Drew and Lovis – isn’t this the sweetest!?

Obviously before Thanksgiving, but one of my favorite pictures of Drew and Lovis – isn’t this the sweetest!?


My youngest was born just a wee bit before thanksgiving. So we had much to be thankful for. It was also our au pair's first Thanksgiving ever - which is a big deal!  We decided to go all out and cook the turkey, despite being over tired and in the midst of newborn baby land.

Don’t mind the messy kitchen, but look at all that food! Yummy!

Don’t mind the messy kitchen, but look at all that food! Yummy!


Many of our friends and family were traveling, so it was going to be a small family dinner with the addition of another au pair. We made pumpkin pie, corn muffins and of course a large turkey! It was Pauls first time cooking the bird, and he did a great job (after I convinced him to use the bird bag of course...).

Family photo at Thanksgiving!

Family photo at Thanksgiving!


In the morning we went over to our neighbors house who were gracious enough to host our crazy family. We did a lot of eating and their food was delicious. Then it was our turn to feast for dinner after the kids were in bed. It was fun! We had left overs galore, but it was worth it!

The double stroller for the win! Double trouble! Enjoying a fall walk out in Pittsburgh!

The double stroller for the win! Double trouble! Enjoying a fall walk out in Pittsburgh!

Trimming our Xmas tree!! This was only the beginning, they did such a nice job!

Trimming our Xmas tree!! This was only the beginning, they did such a nice job!


Around this time we trimmed the tree and used the weekend to get all of our Xmas decorations up! The seasons move so fast while we balance school, work and family. But we were blessed this year and I'm so happy we took the time to stop and celebrate all we were thankful for! Including our dear friends and family!

Drew was able to see Santa down at the Waterfront! Just a few things on his Xmas list!

Drew was able to see Santa down at the Waterfront! Just a few things on his Xmas list!


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